Saturday, May 2, 2015

Peanut butter soba noodles

I won't claim to have invented the combination of peanut butter and noodles but I will say that if you get bored with your own cooking as frequently as I do ('s like eating at the same restaurant every day), this is something you can whip up quickly while still trying something "new."

One thing that's easy about this recipe is that there is no right way to make this. Some people (i.e. myself) like their noodles extra peanut butter-y while others find it bizarre and would rather taste just a hint of nuttiness. Some people (again, like myself) like spicy food and others, not so much.

The best food in life often looks like diarrhea
To make these noodles, you're first going to mix peanut butter, soy sauce, hot pepper flakes, sesame oil, and garlic in any ratio you like. I mixed the first two ingredients in a 1:1 ratio and used three large cloves of garlic.

Then you're going to boil up some soba noodles - you can typically find them in "ethnic" sections of your local supermarket.

So ethnic
While that's cooking you want to make criss-cross cuts in some chicken breasts (I used two for the whole package of soba noodles) and slather them with sauce. This will help the flavor seep in.

Once your noodles are cooked, drain them and set aside. Start cooking your chicken.

When the chicken is fully cooked, dump your soba noodles with the rest of the sauce into the pan. Lastly, cut up some 6-8 leaves of cabbage, 2 small carrots, and 1 onion. Add these off the heat (I like these to be raw for an added crunch - contrasting textures and flavors are kind of my jam).

And you're done! This tastes even better cold and/or with heaping amounts of Sriracha. Enjoy!

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