Thursday, May 14, 2015

Chef Week 2015: Tanta

What is the difference between Chef Week and Restaurant Week? The answer to this question - from the avid eater's perspective - is absolutely nothing. They are completely identical and equally glorious.

When my husband and I were dating he lived near a Peruvian restaurant that we used to frequent until  they seated us directly underneath a ceiling fan on a rather wintry day and served our food cold (though I ordered a cold seafood salad, so I wasn't too pissed). We never went back after that so Peruvian food held a special place in my heart, which is why I was beyond excited to go to Tanta for Chef Week 2015 per a friend's recommendation.

The first thing I noticed when I stepped inside the restaurant was the ridiculously dim mood lighting that prohibited me from reading the menu. The lighting was also responsible for the following crappy photos.

Though dim lighting is a pet peeve of mine in restaurants, I really just care about the food. I was delighted when they served us plantains that were thinly sliced and fried. The result was crunchy, lightly sweet, and lightly salted (i.e. the perfect appetizer).

Was not joking about the atrocious mood lighting.
The pre-appetizer was a single piece of nigiri with raw scallop. I rejoiced at the Asian inspiration - though bite-sized, it was packed with flavor and led perfectly into the next course (well, it would have except the waiter forgot to bring it to us until after the appetizer. No harm done, though).

The first official course of the meal was the "Cebiche Clasico" - nothing groundbreaking here, just your standard ceviche. If you don't like seafood or sour things this dish is not for you, but being a huge fan of both I devoured it immediately.

For the main meal I chose the "Lomo Saltado", which is described as a "stir-fry of skirt steak, red onions, tomatoes, rustic potatoes & cilantro with a side of white rice with corn." This description is right on the money; I don't have to elaborate much more here.

My only complaint is that this dish was a bit too salty but the white rice (which was buttery!) balanced it out nicely. I also enjoyed the giant Peruvian corn pieces scattered throughout the bowl of rice (not pictured here).

(Another Asian-inspired dish. I found this rather intriguing as Asia is a long way away from Latin America.)

Lastly, I ordered the alfajor for dessert.

The alfajor that I remember was sickeningly sweet, but fortunately this particular alfajor did not go crazy on the dulce de leche and thus tasted perfect. That yellow blob next to it is a sorbet made with some sort of freaky and exotic fruit, the name of which I do not recall as I was too busy stuffing my face. Apologies.

The final verdict? I would return here again and again if I were made of money, but unfortunately I am not. Perhaps we shall meet again for Chef Week 2016...

Tanta Chicago
118 W Grand Ave.
Chicago, IL 60654
(312) 222-9700

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