Monday, April 28, 2014

MOTD: Trader Joe's Thai green curry

Whenever I eat Thai food, green curry - objectively the spiciest and subjectively the most flavorful Thai curry of all - is my go-to. Naturally, when I spotted a jar of Thai green curry sauce at Trader Joe's, I had to check it out.

Image 1. Thai green curry simmer sauce
When I am cooking using a pre-made sauce, I generally look at the nutrition label to supplement the flavors. See here:

Image 2. Please excuse the blurriness.
As you may or may not be able to read (I HAVE UNSTEADY HANDS, OK), this curry contained soy sauce, a pepper puree, cane sugar, ginger, lime juice, sea salt, coconut, garlic, dried coriander, dried cumin, and cilantro, among other things. I mention those specific ingredients because I had them in my pantry, whether it be exact or some sort of derivative.

I don't have coconut milk or coconut shavings, as the taste and texture of coconut makes me want to vomit. I did, however, have a jar of refined coconut oil that I use as a hair oil, makeup remover, and under eye moisturizer. I decided to use it to prepare the chicken.

Image 3. Coconut oil
Coconut oil is solid at room temperature and melts into a clear liquid when heat is applied. Fascinating! I added the minced garlic and chicken breast, on which I added generous amounts of soy sauce, granulated sugar, ground ginger, lime juice, garlic powder, dried coriander, dried cumin, freshly chopped cilantro, and green Tabasco sauce (the kind you see at Chipotle, which is a must-have on its own right). I served it with a side of rice, prepared with turmeric and a pinch of saffron (check out my paella recipe for some details on saffron). I threw in some broccoli for my daily fiber intake.

Image 4. Done!
Pretty good! Tasted pretty much like the green curry that I get in Thai restaurants. Feel free to pick up a jar next time you're at T-Joe's.

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