Thursday, June 25, 2015

Owen & Engine

Owen & Engine is a British gastropub tucked away in a random part of town; it is actually right across the street from the movie theater that I go to but never noticed until a friend of mine took me there. Normally I'm not a huge fan of British food but a quick glimpse of the menu told me that I would be a fan of this place. From banh mi to paneer to one of the most decadent cheese plates I have ever seen, this place had it all.

And of course, they had a cheeseburger.

If you know me at all, you would know that I'm obsessed with cheeseburgers and all things red meat. Our server was very courteous and enthusiastic about the flavors on the menu. I took diligent notes, which is how I know that the burger patty is composed of 40% chuck, 30% short rib, and 30% brisket. A winning combination I daresay, because it certainly tastes different in a luxurious sort of way.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Before I ate this burger we actually ordered a cheese plate for the table.

Getting a cheese plate is always a marvelous experience because some cheeses taste really damn weird. There was one that had the texture and flavor of what I imagine I would taste if I ate cheese and vomited it back up. Nevertheless, I was really happy to try some of these cheeses because I am growing jaded of conventional flavors and enjoy eating something strange every now and then. Is that so wrong?

On a positive note, the jam that came with the bread and cheese had the perfect balance of sweetness and tartness, which complemented the saltiness of the cheese quite well.

Now back to the cheeseburger. You have the option of adding sharp cheddar, a fried egg, and thickly sliced bacon to your burger for an extra (and hefty) fee, and I decided to go all out and order all three. Our server told me that he has only ever finished the burger once and expressed his concern, but I insisted that he has never met me before and doesn't know what I'm capable of.

And I did finish it (but the aftermath was excruciating). The fries (which I could not finish) were also quite delicious and I loved the fact that they served them with mayonnaise (despite my love for ketchup, the mayo really hit the spot at the time).

I actually returned a second time (after watching Jurassic World) for the pork belly and kimchi appetizer and the banh mi sandwich, both of which were really well done. I would definitely love to return some day (probably the next time I go to the movies).

Owen & Engine
2700 N Western Ave
Chicago, IL 60647
(773) 235-2930

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