Tuesday, July 8, 2014

WNTD: The Ballad of Cho Sun Ok

I've debated writing this post for a long time,  mostly because I don't have any images, which are the bread and butter of food blogs (the environment is too traumatizing to think about taking pictures). Another reason was that I don't enjoy writing highly negative reviews (there is a clearly defined line between constructive criticism and straight-up negativity). But then I realized that it is my duty to alert my fellow Chicagoans about the perils of eating at this...interesting establishment.

Cho Sun Ok is a Korean barbecue restaurant that gives Koreans a bad name. I have had to assure people multiple times that no, not all Korean restaurant owners are this rude, and yes, every single Korean restaurant I have been to within and outside of Korea have had very courteous servers despite the lack of tip culture. It's that bad.

There are no words to describe the magnitude of horror that the service here will incite within your soul. Let me put it this way; there is good service, there is bad service, and there is Cho Sun Ok service, which is a level of bad service that is so bad that you will sit there entranced by how bad it is. The food is great, which kept me going back a couple times, but my last experience was so traumatic that I doubt I will be returning.

Where to begin...

First of all, I would like to remind you that I am a Korean who speaks fluent Korean. This fact has enabled me to receive impeccable service in every Korean restaurant within the US in which I have dined, except for Cho Sun Ok. The way I see it, the hierarchy of Cho Sun Ok dining is as follows:
  1. A group of all Koreans: The staff may or may not actually give you the food you ordered.
  2. A group mixed with Koreans and non-Koreans: The staff may or may not treat you like human beings.
  3. A group with no Koreans: Just go home, because you're not getting fed here.
The most memorable and consistent thing across all my visits to Cho Sun Ok is that they refuse to serve you water. I don't understand why. The restaurant is small and thus you are unlikely to forget if a customer asks for something as simple as water. I can only conclude that they are either sadistic assholes, mentally retarded, or insane. Actually, this conclusion applies to 100% of the staff's behavior.

If you have had Korean food before, you know they serve you little communal bowls called banchan before the meal, which are meant to be eaten with plain white rice, the staple of Korean cuisine. Cho Sun Ok is no exception, except for the fact that they throw the bowls at your table. 

I am not joking.

First they throw the bowls at your table, and then they scream "PUSH DOWN" in your face. This means that they want you to distribute the bowls on your table in a way that is convenient for you to eat. If you don't comply, they will grunt at you like an angry warthog.

After this horrific event, your waitress will bring you your food along with a stone surface on which you can grill your meat. She will become visibly angry if you begin grilling before the stone pan has been fully heated. During my last visit, the male chef happened to be standing right by my table (why? I have no idea) and proceeded to yell at me when I attempted to grill some kimchi.

"NO KIMCHI," he growled in his incredibly thick Korean accent. "ONLY MEAT AND GARLIC."

Feeling a mixture of fear and disgust, I reluctantly moved the kimchi off the grill. The chef proceeded to stare at us for the next half an hour, which only intensified my feelings of horror and despair.

I should also probably mention that when your server adjusts the heat on your grill, they will reach under the table without letting you know first, violating your personal space without abandon. Our waitress grazed my leg at least thrice and at one point, her face was inches from mine. I don't mind people touching me so it wasn't a huge deal, but even for me this behavior was uncomfortable at best. I can only imagine how it would feel for people who value their personal space.

After grilling, my friend and I ordered naengmyeon, which is a buckwheat noodle dish served in cold beef broth with meat and veggies. We had to order this twice. When it finally came we scarfed it down. I tipped pennies and hauled ass out of there, never to return.

As I have mentioned, the food is good. I would assume this is why the lines are constantly out the door on weekends. But I'm letting you know right now that you should visit Cho Sun Ok at your own risk, and only after considering the following:

Do you and your party enjoy
  1. being treated like dogs?
  2. being watched while you eat?
  3. being parched while you eat?
  4. ordering multiple times (and waiting for half an hour wondering if they forgot)?
  5. being touched without warning multiple times?
If you answered no to any of the above questions, please don't go to Cho Sun Ok. If you decide to go anyway, I wish you the best of luck. You'll need it.

Cho Sun Ok
4200 N Lincoln Ave
Chicago, IL 60618
(773) 549-5555

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