Wednesday, November 12, 2014

WNTD: Billy Goat Tavern

This is a public service announcement.

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of visiting the Billy Goat Tavern. For those of you who are not familiar with this establishment, Billy Goat Tavern is an 80-year-old burger joint famous for their "cheezborgers." Considering the history of the restaurant and the number of times I'd heard about it from various people, I figured I should try it out. And I'm glad I did.

Because now I am equipped with the knowledge that I must never go back there again.

There are many things wrong with Billy Goat Tavern. I don't even know where to begin.

First of all, they do not serve French fries. Only chips. Also, they don't serve Pepsi or Coke products. Who does that? All they have are these crappy potato chips and 50 cent coffee. Second of all, the staff insist on pushing the double cheeseburger on you even when you order a single. The reason behind this became clear to me when I received my burger.

That patty was the thinnest burger patty I have ever seen in my life. In addition, they only give you crappy cheese and nothing else as a topping, and you must go off to the side to add onions, pickles, and/or ketchup and mustard. Unfortunately, no amount of condiment or toppings could save this tasteless burger with two puny patties, gross plastic cheese, and buns that taste like the Sahara desert.

Just Google it and see for yourself...and remember, it tastes worse than it looks.

Billy Goat Tavern is the exception to the rule that any restaurant that is often talked about couldn't possibly be that bad. Honestly, you are better off going to McDonald's and getting a quarter pounder, because at least then you will be getting tasty fries and Coke.

Don't go to Billy Goat Tavern.

Billy Goat Tavern
430 N Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 222-1525

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