Now that I'm working, posting regularly has been a monumental challenge. So much so, in fact, that the restaurant that I'm about to review was one that I visited
over a month ago. Unfortunately, our need for money and sleep can interfere with our hobbies sometimes.
A couple months ago, I found a Groupon for Hawaiian- and Asian-inspired New American food. Intrigued, I Googled the restaurant and was shocked to find that it was within walking distance of where I lived. That's when I knew I had to pay Sola Restaurant in North Center a visit.
Image 1. The ambiance |
The interior of the restaurant was lit with a grid of those
Asian rice paper lamps that you often see at Chinese New Year Festivals suspended from the ceiling. Although you can't tell from this picture, there was also a faux fireplace that added to the aura of warmth. They were also playing Radiohead's "High and Dry" in the background, which is one of my favorite songs by my favorite band.